SATEL from Finland is a leading European manufacturer of radio modems for data transmission. SATTELINE modem family includes complete range of robust radio modems and telemetry equipment for harsh environments.
SATELLINE 1870E radio modem is affordable solution for short range wireless data transmission within industrial complexes. It transmits data on 868..870 MHz “free band” with a maximum transmit power of up to 500 mW at 19,2 Kbit/s. All modem working parameters can be easily set through programming interface using PC’s terminal program with user-friendly menus.

I-LINK 100
I-LINK 100 provides wireless transmission of up to four digital and two analogue signals connected to converter. In combination with SATELLINE 1870E or SATELLINE EASy modems “Point to Point” wireless communication can be established to transmit signals between two remote points. “Point to Multipoint” configuration, with more converters, user can also control and visualization of signals on PC.
SATELLINE EASy radio modem contains a UHF radio station and modem board integrated into a compact aluminum housing. It is ideal for transferring data between controllers and control systems, because it provides transparent transmission for common industry protocols such as Modbus RTU, Profibus DP and many others. Modem operates in 330…473 MHz band range and is also available as EASY 869 for the 868..670 MHz “free band”. The transmission data rate is 19.2 Kbit/s with a bandwidth of 25 KHz.

SATELLINE Easy Pro radio modem has a transmit power of up to 35W. That makes it also suitable for long distance data transmission. It operates in the frequency range 403…473 MHz with the data transfer rate of 19.2 Kbit/s. Due to its IP67 protection, modem is suitable for harsh industrial environments.
SATELLAR XT 5RC radio modem provides data transmission in mission-critical applications that require reliable transmission and high availability over long distances the modem operates in the frequency range 320…520 MHz with a maximum transmit power of 5W and transfer rate of up to 230 Kbit/s. The modem has a built-in serial and Ethernet interface.

SATEL // mag. Jaroslav Toličič // jaroslav.tolicic@metronik.si // +3861/514-08-16