“In 2020 we remain active in process automation and digitalisation in industry, smart buildings and infrastructure.
After a very successful previous year we see the options for further growing especially in IoT-systems and solutions for digitalisation within the MePIS family. These follow the principles of Industry 4.0 and allow companies to increase productivity, reduce costs and optimise processes.
We continue intense investment activities into the further development of our own solutions within the MePIS family where we introduce artificial intelligence and machine learning. We remain active in the same markets as before, and we wish to improve our recognition and presence in foreign markets in 2020”, says Dr Saša Sokolić, member of the Management Board of Metronik.
“Our solutions help manufacturing companies to improve process controls and optimise processes, increase efficiency and productivity, ensure transparency of events in production, improve agility and flexibility, increase product quality and safety, reduce energy consumption and the number of errors and jams, reduce paperwork and decrease costs. “
Published in the Časnik Finance magazine, 20/01/2020